JCAF Dialogue #16: Sustainable Jurisdiction Progress in 2022 and Opportunities For 2023
Sustainable Jurisdiction Progress in 2022 and Opportunities For 2023
Executive Summary
Indonesia has recorded progress in deforestation reductions and forest fires, with particular success in commodities production, such as palm oil and pulp and paper. Shifting practices at the jurisdictional fronts have contributed to the Government commitments at both national and subnational levels encompassing the enactment of moratorium policies, green growth vision at the subnational level, fiscal policies incentives, and the development of financing agencies.
The emergence of the Jurisdictional Approach, taking the subnational leadership at the core to reconcile both social and economic issues in an integrated way to include multi sectors and stakeholders to ensure transitioning towards deforestation, low carbon development, and inclusive communities are achieved within the subnational coverage to contribute to nation’s target of climate agenda and SDGs within the administrative boundary. Amongst many progressive Jurisdictions, Siak, Kubu Raya, and Sigi are districts that have committed to tackling climate change issues through subnational policies and commitment through the establishment of:
- Multi-stakeholders governance
- Roadmap integration and implementations
- Monitoring and evaluation systems
All through mobilizing investment and financing to-wards committed jurisdictions. The establishment of Sustainable Jurisdictions Indicators initiated by Na-tional Development Planning facilitates stakeholder’s interest in accessing complete information commit-ments and performances of commodity-producing re-gions that are sustainable and inclusive that align with international commitments (SDGs) and existing certi-fication schemes (ISPO and RSPO), which translated into pillars of:
- Environmental
- Social
- Economic
- Governance
The SJI has accommodated 7 Districts in Indonesia to pioneer within the Sustainable Jurisdictions Indicators. Two of them, Siak and Sigi Districts, will share their progress in the #16 JCAF dialogue.
The Jurisdictional Collective Action Forum (JCAF) is a convening platform for sharing best practices where the 16th dialogue will present three leading Jurisdictions (Districts) in their pursuit of Green Growth and their potential opportunities for stakeholders to collaborate.
Kubu Raya, Siak, and Sigi Districts demonstrated progress in advancing their green growth target through policy enactment and implemented actions throughout 2022. Kepong Bakol Strategy highlights inclusion with multi-stakeholders collaborations, including private and forestry sectors, to ensure low-carbon development target attainment. Amongst many, the Kubu Raya District government has developed a Geoportal platform to feature sustainable investment opportunities, developing the Strategy to accelerate Green Growth Implementation, issuing the regional decree on the Kubu Raya sustainable investment and mobilizing the fiscal incentives based on the green investment in the village level. Siak District, on the other hand, established the Green Siak Coordination Team in 2022, accompanying the issuance of Bupati’s decree on Green Siak in February 2022 that regulates District transformation from a bottom-up approach.