Sigi District


Seruyan Regency has an area of 16,404 km2 in the Province of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Seruyan Regency is a city that stands on the banks of the Seruyan River which consists of 10 districts. The district is welcoming its second decade of rule with a population of 162,906 as its successor after its founding in 2002. Surrounded by lush Indonesian rainforest, Seruyan shares the Seruyan Hilir sub-district with neighboring Kotawaringin Barat district for the famous orangutan conservation area, Tanjung Puting National Park Seruyan Regency is also a home to 1.7 million ha of peatland, and in addition, the remaining mangrove habitat currently covers 177,000 ha. Of the 1.7 million hectares of peatland, only 708 thousand hectares are still in intact condition.

In 2019, the Governor of Central Kalimantan announced 100% sustainable palm production province-wide. Seruyan District stepped up and implemented Jurisdictional Certification. Through the RSPO Jurisdictional Certification model, Seruyan developed a regulatory framework encompassing governance systems, targets, priorities, stakeholders’ inclusions covering indigenous communities and smallholder farmers representing 30% of palm supply chains.

Green Growth Roadmap

  • Head of Seruyan Regency issues the Regent’s Decree Number 188.45/305 of 2020 concerning the Establishment of a Working Group for Oil Palm Certification Based on the Jurisdiction of Seruyan Regency.
  • Creating 5,296 independent smallholders. This figure is equivalent to 88.3% of the total oil palm independent smallholders in an area of 1.64 million ha.
  • Restoring 35 areas with natural plants interspersed with productive plants in 3 villages, as well as facilitating 30 plantation business conflicts to be resolved through a complete settlement process.
  • Develop a stakeholder mapping strategy
  • Create a conflict-resolution unit technical team for land reform
  • Establishing indigenous plantations, community-based ecosystem restoration, conflict resolution, and alternative livelihood across five villages.

Multi-stakeholder Coalition

The multistakeholder governance represented supply chains, smallholder farmers, and indigenous communities. Yayasan Inobu and Unilever also support Seruyan’s development.

Investment Outlook

The Seruyan district has established an Internal Control System and embedded that in the Smallholder Association Group system to accelerate smallholders achieving sustainable commodity production encompassing best practices models, access to markets and financials, and land legality issues.